Plot-Line: Final Judgement
Mysterious beings are infiltrating Misthalin from Morytania and interfering with operations across the Salve. Partisan Stark knows who's to blame, but will command listen?
Constance Verity, a vampyre from Morytania, was hired as an independent agent with Murkwater Contractors. She was brutally murdered shortly after by some strange being from Morytania. Partisan Stark was injured in the altercation. He then activated the BELFRY Protocol.
The 172nd Reconnisance Troupe, or Cobalt, was stationed at Paterdomus under the command of Acolyte Felicity Argyle in response to the Belfry Protocol. Not long after they were attacked by three human-born vampyres that somehow managed to cross the Salve intact.
While on Operation CLEAN SLATE, Silver Team was ambushed by a vyrelord known as The Judge. Accompanied by the strange being from before and a newly created paper-wight, the Judge injured half of Silver Team's members and made them lose the anima crystals they were transporting.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.