"To Brock Avery,
I am aware that you are retiring or retired. I have a proposition for you, an investment. I am starting a company that shall be named Lorring Magical industries, and will sell all things magical. The offer 25% of the company in exchange for 200,000 silver coins ((Tibby system, translate it into whatever you use)) to start operations. Also, for the easy creation of runes, I have successfully created a portal to the Runespan, and I only need to pay a team of wizards to make a permanent portal, large enough to work with. Please reply with your answer. (Put the letter on the Lorring Family thread)
Sincerly, Nathaniel Lorring."
This is a signature, and I am not creative.
"To Brock Avery,
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but there was an issue with the Runespan portal. It may be a setback, but there are ways to make up for this setback. Once again I offer 25% of the company for the price of 200,000. Please reply.
-Nathaniel Lorring"
Knddnk2 said that it would work, but not for long. I still gots a plan!!!!
This is a signature, and I am not creative.
I am interested in purchasing a bottle of Fourth Age Wine from Layne Breweries. Due to the inconvienence my family faces with war in the current status... We would like it delivered. We will pay an additional 100 gold coins for this cost, for it to come to our home at Castello Isle. Mind you, the sand bars and razor reefs will keep your ship away, so you will need to head to Port Tyrion for a Lander to ferry you across.
I apologise for any inconvienence this causes, but I would /love/ to add this wine to my collection.
~ Lucius Anterus Renderra
****igliere to the Renderra family"
The One True Nat
17-Jan-2013 18:47:18
- Last edited on
17-Jan-2013 18:47:52
Lady Airlea
A letter arrives from Layne Breweries with the seal of the Brewery placed directly on the wax with a blue ribbon hanging off. The letter is neatly folded with perfect corners as if it took the writer ages to fold it. On the front of the letter the words "Lucius Renderra" are written in elegant letters, strange to see such on a letter from people other than nobility or royalty. The letter reads:
Dear Lucius Anterus Renderra*
**. Avery has passed your letter onto me, Marcus Layne, for your Order. Along with buying a 4th Age Wine, we also supply the buyer with a bottle of Royalty Wine, wine fit for a King. Your order has been processed but I do not recall hearing of this "Port Tyrion." I suppose that wherever this letter goes is where your wine is to go, but due to the rarity of this wine, I cannot risk sending it to the wrong place. If you could reply back with a letter response and a map, it would be highly appreciated. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Marcus Layne
"The Truth about Bob Ross; he's immortal. Even when he's dead he has a LIVE stream."
Port Tyrion is an Isle to the Far Southern Seas, along near the Void Knight Outpost. It is the largest of the islands my family owns, and also the one that acts as a Trading port to the Far East, and to the rest of the World.
It will be easily found on a map like the one included, showing more of the Southern seas than the standard World Map.
~ Lucius Anterus Renderra"
The One True Nat
17-Jan-2013 20:22:05
- Last edited on
17-Jan-2013 20:23:12
Lady Airlea
The note returned to Lucius would be the exact same as the one before, from appearance and aspects such as that. It reads:
Dear Lucius Renderra,
I appreciate your help and from what I can tell by the Map, your Fourth Age Wine will be there within three or so days. Due to the inconvenience of not knowing your location, I shall send out my best and fastest ship to reach you by the dawning of the third day as and as you awaken, your delivery will be there. As my associate reaches you with the wine, that is when he will take the payment of 6,000 gold coins and you will have your wine.
Marcus Layne
As the letter arrives, the ship will be two days away.
"The Truth about Bob Ross; he's immortal. Even when he's dead he has a LIVE stream."
-a letter arrives-
To Brock Avery,
Thank you for the position of Administrator in Dorgesh'Kaan. I shall not fail you, and I will send all important issues to you for checking. I hope you will visit soon,
-Nathaniel Lorring
Brock says I can make a DK poc. SO I'M DOING IT!
This is a signature, and I am not creative.
Character Name: Nathaniel Lorring
Order: Field Cannons
Quantity: 3
Payment: A safer city
Delivery Location: The armory of the Dorgesh'Kaan Guards
Order Specifications: (Optional)
Character Name: Nathaniel Lorring
Order: Steel Cannonballs
Quantity: 300
Payment: A Safer City
Delivery Location: The same place
Order Specifications: (Optional)
This is a signature, and I am not creative.
Keith, the payment must be a money value. "A safer city" is not payment for cannons. The cannons are 8,000 Gold Pieces each, adding up to 24,000 gold pieces which I know your character, Nathaniel Lorring, does not have.
"The Truth about Bob Ross; he's immortal. Even when he's dead he has a LIVE stream."