-A letter would be sent to several prominent leaders in military, civilian, economic, and humanitarian fields. It would also be posted in the form of a poster in several cities-
*in grand letters painted on in light blue*
Weapons Fair
Dear Lucky Reader,
You have been invited to a festival that will feature weapons, mounts, means of transportation, armor, inventions, runes, and items galore. It is to be held in the Camp south of Falador owned by Avery Mining Co. The event host is Kandarin Mounting. Items galore will be featured some of which you may want to purchase to keep out of the hands of the enemy if nothing else. Bring your Coins, ships, and caravans this is truly an event that you will not want to leave empty handed. From civilians to grand leaders everyone is welcome to come to purchase. Security will be provided as a demonstration of product. Weapons are allowed to be brought though any use of them outside of the testing ground will result in immediate detainment. You are free to purchase what is in stock if the merchant will sell to you and you are welcome to order custom products.
The Following will be featured in the event:
1. New Bolt promising to bring new tactics to the field
2. Mobile explosives.
The above will be tested only a few times each so come early to get a guarantee to see them in action.
The event starts on (Saturday 4-21) at (11 am eastern time). The event will run until all patrons are gone or all stock is out. A commorb contact information has been provided so you may request to be teleported too the event. If you wish to be teleported contact (knddnk2) and it will be set up.
Thank you for Considering your invitation and we look forward to seeing you at our event.
*beneath a signature would have been drawn swiftly*
Lord Viceroy Magus Concendo
Kandarin Mounts
Ok so that’s the time if the turnout isn’t great or if people enjoy it then there will be more sessions in the future. The one tomorrow will happen though regardless. If
20-Apr-2012 21:15:34