I believe so, and as far as i know that's as deep into any form of programming the aero and mec* peoples at my university have to go. Most of my friends who lived on my floor this last year were in electrical, and I always poked at them because they all had to take a C programming class that drove them nuts.
Another funny story, related to Tesla/Edison and my EE friends:
Tesla was known to criticize Edison for his very tight-end trial-and-error approach. i.*., try something, if it doesnt work try something else, if it doesnt work try something else... Tesla just did the opposite, with a little more consideration into the future before acting.
I had three EE friends who were given a final project for their C programming class. Really, it was to create a working Connect 4 game with an NPC/computer. THe prof gave them this neat bonus point offer, and he was going to hold a tournament for everyone's program to see who deserved it.
One friend took a pretty heavy credit load, and so he gave up entirely on the tournament.
The second friend was like Tesla: his program thought three player moves into the future, it thought about the best possible move to make at that moment.
The last guy was like Edison: his program would try to fill up on only one column, and if the player blocked it, it would move onto the next column, and onto the next column, and again and again and again.
I swear everyone poked at him once they found his method LOL.
Returned to forums after 5 year inactivity -- ignoring my responsibilities atm
Just discovered the sig function -- let me enjoy this LOL
30-Jun-2015 01:24:52