Jeremy Cheng
On page 394 of Fix. I'll probably finish it next Saturday. But I'm not sure about buying Scourged when it costs $40 with tax. Then again I need it to finish my Iron Druid collection. I don't read books that are a series unless I own the whole series.
What about loaning them until you can afford them??
Jeremy Cheng
The book was released a couple of weeks ago it's not available in libraries yet.
If you request a book or cd for a library and they get it in you are apparently the first to loan it <- not sure if it's true.
Just finished Fix. Now I'm reading the thessaly complete collection book, on page 281. So far this book is not good. Page 281 and there hasn't been a single action scene. I like my books like I do my movies: Dumb Blockbusters with lots of explosions and action.
Just bought Scourged. Will buy Only Human next week. Won't be preordering any books cause I already have 2 preordered. In May I will buy the Illuminatus! Trilogy and Schrodinger's Cat. Apparently the books are very raunchy.
Just bought Off Rock by Kieren Shea. Now I have all his books. And I also bought Apes and Angels by Ben Bova. I don't know why goodreads states he won awards for his books, none of them I've read seem award worthy but I do enjoy his Grand Tour series which ends at one more book called Survival.