The other side of it is NOT wanting to believe. I mentioned the extra dimensional Bigfoots on a previous page. That's the silliest thing ever, a mockery of imagination. ( An 'expert' came through town not long ago and his message was the local Bigfoots are cool, but they told him to watch out for Dogman.)
Right after I posted about those Bigfoots, I asked for a follow-up on the orb. It never returned, but he needs to call me. OK. So that call was 40 minutes of highly detailed encounters with something that was not visible when it should have been. Something big charged at him from behind while hunting. Made a sound that should not exist in those woods.
He flipped the blind and retreated into the field, prepared for a showdown. He only has 1 shot with a crossbow. The fear was obvious. Just telling the story he was shook. This is someone at home in the woods, experienced in hunting and searching. Highly capable and credible. But, nothing was there, in a confined area with only a small line of trees.
After some time he returned to fetch his trail camera. As he was crouched down in the open area, he heard sniffing near his left ear. Dogs do this all the time, so it's familiar. On the first sniff he thought it was the landowner's dog. Then quickly realized this is much larger and longer than a dog sniff.
My definition of dog is 100 lb+ working animals. He said more like the size of a cow. He rolled into a defensive position and of course nothing was there. He didn't go back for more. He also doesn't have a strong imagination, so I am left to believe what he said is true.
So if that was some kind of invisible Bigfoot, does that mean I need to be worried about Dogman?? That would suck, getting attacked by an imaginary creature.
21-Jun-2023 17:23:04