Or just collect the craft from the crash landing and reverse engineer it. Doubt they would give their technology away willingly.
people are definitely driven by greed and power. This is the case with anything..there will always be some bad fruit.
Well, we survived a super long time already..what's another 2000 really
maybe a zombie virus is a good test
''Human minds are poorly updated, I evolved my mind'' ...Yea we should always strive for self improvement!!.......Btw, grey aliens are supposedly telepathic!
Not sure what you are referring to when you said exploded. Do you mean got ruined? The two layers..of crust? Ok. So we know there used to be water on Mars. So, that's the first thing lost. Second thing lost is it's atmosphere due to the absence of the magnetic field.
'' The solar wind stripped away most of the Martian atmosphere in only a few hundred million years''
. Aliens are probably older than us and visited Mars so yes they 100% know more about the history than us.
I don't think it's entertainment for the aliens '' game of sport''. They are simply observing us from a distance. Okay..that sentence reminded me of these aliens (fictional) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0370263/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_6_tt_8_nm_0_q_predator
The tech could be man made and alien made. Now...the purpose of it..I don't know.
'' It's in our programming''... As in you mean the thirst for power and greed. Doubt there would be an alien invasion. What's there to gain..they are more advanced than us. They want to help or possibly experiment..
"humanity will only find the answers if they find peace and let greed end" Ok now it reminded me of this..
''Yeah, peace. I love peace. I'd be out of a job with peace. -Tony Stark''
Regarding the pyramids, I think there was a show about ancient aliens actually the ones who helped build them
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”