Why do you personally wear outside shoes inside your house, if you do? Seems like it'd just increase the frequency you need to clean your floors while making it so that everyone must wear shoes inside so that they don't get dirty feet.
200M all skills, Trimmed comp Cape, MQC
White knighting"female" forum users is cringey
Always protect "certain community minded people" no matter what!
Honestly it wasn't something I ever thought about when I was growing up. It wasn't until I lived around other people that I even noticed or adopted the habit.
Especially if it's wet outside. It makes sense to take shoes off at the door, so that you don't track all the wet everywhere.
It never really bothered me to do one way or the other, for no particular reason other than I just grew up wearing shoes around the house, you just don't mix the two.
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.
Honestly it wasn't something I ever thought about when I was growing up. It wasn't until I lived around other people that I even noticed or adopted the habit.
Especially if it's wet outside. It makes sense to take shoes off at the door, so that you don't track all the wet everywhere.
It never really bothered me to do one way or the other, for no particular reason other than I just grew up wearing shoes around the house, you just don't mix the two.
Ah yeah, I'm quite the same. Growing up I wore shoes around the house. But some shoes would definitely not be worn inside of course. After a while I realised that it's just not nice to have that dirt (even if you can't really see it) brought in. It's a simple change to make and just prevents quite a bit of cleaning.
Never mix the two. Way too true lol. Walked in someone's house barefoot earlier in the month which is a shoes inside house (the owner was also barefoot btw). Disgusted me how dirty your feet get from it haha.
200M all skills, Trimmed comp Cape, MQC
White knighting"female" forum users is cringey
Always protect "certain community minded people" no matter what!
never have worn shoes around the house. when i went to peoples house and saw they did i always thought it was strange
im a very clean person so would never do it.
Honestly it's one of the situational aspects of my house. Depending on where your stepping shoes may be warranted. Were renovating our kitchen / living room. Wearing shoes in both means that if we haven't cleaned up from the days work means we don't accidentally put something through our feet we shouldn't.
Otherwise it's typically a barefoot or socks inside the house expect in winter then it's as long as it isn't wet shoes as the floors are concrete and in Illinois that gets bloody cold.
When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea, when the clock strikes heavy and there’s no time for tea; and in our darkest hour, before my final rhyme, she will come back home to Wonderland and turn back the hands of time.
I personally prefer taking shoes off at the door, in some houses anyway, just because it's better to not step in snow or something. Mostly around this time of year it becomes an issue for me, personally. Walk in, track a bunch of snow, take shoes off, walk to kitchen, step in snow and now feet are wet.
This is literally the reason I don't wear socks around the house, ever. Wet socks are the WORST. I do have dogs also, though, so it's not just the shoes thing that contributes to that.
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.
Honestly it's one of the situational aspects of my house. Depending on where your stepping shoes may be warranted. Were renovating our kitchen / living room. Wearing shoes in both means that if we haven't cleaned up from the days work means we don't accidentally put something through our feet we shouldn't.
Otherwise it's typically a barefoot or socks inside the house expect in winter then it's as long as it isn't wet shoes as the floors are concrete and in Illinois that gets bloody cold.
Oh yeah, definitely. When I was renovating one of my properties a few months ago I would not have dared to go barefoot in there haha.
200M all skills, Trimmed comp Cape, MQC
White knighting"female" forum users is cringey
Always protect "certain community minded people" no matter what!
I personally prefer taking shoes off at the door, in some houses anyway, just because it's better to not step in snow or something. Mostly around this time of year it becomes an issue for me, personally. Walk in, track a bunch of snow, take shoes off, walk to kitchen, step in snow and now feet are wet.
This is literally the reason I don't wear socks around the house, ever. Wet socks are the WORST. I do have dogs also, though, so it's not just the shoes thing that contributes to that.
I wish you didn't mention wet socks. Too many horrible memories. I have room shoes for inside that I wear if it's really cold. Would recommend/10. Only thing is, if your dogs are fans of slipper-like shoes you'll need to be careful about where you take them off.
200M all skills, Trimmed comp Cape, MQC
White knighting"female" forum users is cringey
Always protect "certain community minded people" no matter what!
I've always taken my shoes off whenever I enter the house; they're left at the door.
I always felt uncomfortable leaving my shoes on both in my house and in someone's house, especially in the winter, when your feet end up tracking in all of the salt that is used for road treatments to fight off ice and snow.