CM Shaddie
I was born with a condition and the resulting surgeries makes walking on hard floors painful without shoes. So i have a pair of inside shoes at my house to prevent the mess.
Sorry to hear. As a lifehack, remember that any type of shoe can be an inside shoe as long as you don't wear them outside! I have an extremely comfortable pair of sneakers that I wear inside quite often.
200M all skills, Trimmed comp Cape, MQC
White knighting"female" forum users is cringey
Always protect "certain community minded people" no matter what!
I wear sandals inside, and only sandals inside. Otherwise I'd drag all kinds of stuff on the sole of my shoes inside the house, if I wore them inside. Seems obvious to me.
I personally find it rude to ask me to take off my shoes, my feet smell lol.
Haha yeah that's fair. It's a fine line, as everyone has different preferences with their house. For example, I rather people take their shoes off and I don't let people smoke in my house.
200M all skills, Trimmed comp Cape, MQC
White knighting"female" forum users is cringey
Always protect "certain community minded people" no matter what!
I'm from Canada, it's incredibly uncommon for people to leave their shoes on here. I don't actually know anybody who does leave them on when they go in the house. A big part of that is probably just the fact that there's snow on the ground for about 8 months of the year though.
Aww, I thought this was gonna be a thread for slipper enthusiasts...
“Loddfafnir, listen to my counsel: You will fare well if you follow it, It will help you much if you heed it. If aware that another is wicked, say so: Make no truce or treaty with foes.”
- Havamal 127
Sometimes if the bottoms of my shoes aren’t dirty when I come home then I leave them on. But that’s only when it’s been cold and if I’m doing things in the kitchen. For example making dinner. That is honestly the only time I would wear them indoors.
Brassica Prime:
Truly to be the most delicious is to wield this power. The power to create and destroy. And as the most delicious of gods, I am the font of this delicious power. From me spills all the deliciousness in creation.
03-Jan-2020 20:48:14
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03-Jan-2020 20:51:00
Super Ryan70