My Dad was working for the Pullman Company, they provided sleeper cars for trains, as a Machinist. He could look at a pile of junk metal, pick out one that would suit his needs, put it on the lathe and have a finished product with exact dimensions.
During WWII most metal was going towards the war efforts. Factories, though running at full force, were very slow at getting metal parts to companies not directly involved with the war. Average time was 6 months.
My Dad made train parts for the Pullman Company. Pullman was the main transportation for getting military troops across the Continental US (such as planes are today). They were a privately owned company that had military contracts. Even so, they were not top priority when it came to parts since they also transported civilians. Trains wear out like everything else and need repairs and replacement parts. That’s where my Dad came in, that was his job, to make replacement parts to keep the trains running.
When he was drafted, he was placed in the US Army Chemical Corps (I don’t know what his job was). He heard that the Field Telephones were in great demand in combat but were far and few between because of needed repairs. They had to be sent back stateside for repairs then back overseas. That took months and the phones were needed now.
My Dad, being a Visionary, was able to come up with a solution to the problem. He found out that the main problem was the wiring. His idea was to teach Radiomen how to field repair their phones, this wasn’t taught in school because, apparently, no one thought it was that vital….until now. A new school was opened up and my Dad was reassigned as the Instructor. He taught them how to take a telephone apart, put it back together again, how to trouble shoot them, how to make repairs and to keep their eyes out for little bits of wasted wire on the battle ground.
Continued next page
Music is the Heartbeat of the World
Let's flip a coin; heads I win, tails you lose. Fair enough?
26-May-2021 07:11:32
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26-May-2021 07:13:15
Meanwhile, Pullman wanted my Dad back because he had the gift of visionary that others lacked. Pullman got a Presidential Pardon for my Dad so he could come back to Pullman. My Dad received an Honorable Discharge from the Army and went back to Pullman. Within a few short months, my Dad was drafted again. He was put right back in his teaching job.
A few months later, Pullman got another Presidential Pardon for my Dad. Back to Pullman as their head Machinist. Second Honorable Discharge. My Dad was drafted again and back to his teaching job.
Each time my Dad was drafted, the time he spent active duty was accumulative to his entire military commitment. By this time, he was nearing his military commitment and stayed in for its duration with another Honorable Discharge.
Drafted 3 times
Presidential Pardons 2
Honorable Discharges 3
Music is the Heartbeat of the World
Let's flip a coin; heads I win, tails you lose. Fair enough?
I'm directly related to the first Christian king of Ireland as well as the chief of the Choctaw nation.
Fun fact Kiwi: Historically speaking a viking is when a group of Scandinavian people went on a raid. Then and only then were they called vikings. Any time other than that they were just Scandinavian.
27-May-2021 03:22:56
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27-May-2021 03:25:39
Wild Bill63
My family has a history of nutcases(including me ). We deserve our own reality tv show. Extremely dysfunctional. You all are lucky. I don't know what it is to be normal.
It is in our blood.
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”
My family has a history of nutcases(including me ). We deserve our own reality tv show. Extremely dysfunctional. You all are lucky. I don't know what it is to be normal.
It is in our blood.
Lol same as my family, sure people think I make it up when I tell them :/
Remember Caz. Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
I may be British but I apparently also have a Spanish ancestor. I mean that's what I was told. Interesting to find out what countries family history comes from.
Brassica Prime:
Truly to be the most delicious is to wield this power. The power to create and destroy. And as the most delicious of gods, I am the font of this delicious power. From me spills all the deliciousness in creation.
28-Jun-2021 22:43:39
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28-Jun-2021 22:48:14
Super Ryan70
Saw my grandpa today and he was showing us some old photos. Very interesting.
This is the ship that he was on during his time in the Merchant Navy. He would travel as far as Australia.
Colorized it using
Brassica Prime:
Truly to be the most delicious is to wield this power. The power to create and destroy. And as the most delicious of gods, I am the font of this delicious power. From me spills all the deliciousness in creation.
24-Dec-2021 01:00:14
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24-Dec-2021 01:02:09
Super Ryan70
My Dad was in WW2 and he rarely talked of his experiences during the war. He was rescued from Dunkirk beach. Once back in England he was sent to the south coast and operated the big coastal defence guns. He stayed there until his lungs were damaged by the backdraft from the guns and was invalided out of the army. Even though he wore the badge for servicemen who'd been discharged he was often given a white feather. For those that don't know being given a white feather was an accusation of you being a coward.