I will see to it personally the 'corrupt News outlets' are shutdown and all assets 'seized' legally.
Ohio train derailment was censored on all other news outlets, and goes against the safety of the people, even that white house doctor will lose his doctor degree, stripped of all his life achievements. FDA can get shutdown too and all arrested.
Corruption on this scale is going to get a harsh penalty...people will decide their fate.
I don't lie, last 4 years of conflicts was only to pin point the ones that harm humanity. I told you greed will not win...One document on world secrets and motive charts that can't be 'beaten' will destroy everything that broke the rules.
Why else would i have known to re-create the true legal system again, that i designed many lives ago in london england.....current legal systems are going down for treason.
Many people of former high statuses are installed on this earth as we speak. Everyone is checkmated on this chess board even if some of us are taken out by corruption.
"the worlds people are not left alone, world has a plan", Covid to all other issues were not without reason.
"lying to calm people is a white lie, lying for greed that endangers the people is a double edged sword and an attack on the people."
Systems that flagged a shutdown notice; UN, NATO, Europe Union, FDA, FBI, CIA and all news outlets that work for the system not the people.
^all evidence against those systems 'will not be ignored by the people'.
My research on humanity is all compiled; motives of reasons etc.
^only stating all this, as i have means to defend Fox news against anything corruption can pin on them.
11-Mar-2023 13:10:52