Keyboard Warriers on FaceBook. You know the snowflakes you know that if you reply too will report you in a heartbeat and you end up with a 24/48 or longer ban.
I've had a few for no good reason at all and FaceBook called it " Bullying "
Deforestation. Bastards are cutting trees down near my house and it's pissing me off because those trees attracted a lot of tawny owls which I used to love listening to on a night.
Something needs to be done.
The age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever.
Just found out what "pet peeves" means. My english isn't too bad but I still need to improve, so it was a nice surprise to actually learn something new
For me:
Dirty, disorganized places.
I dunno if I have OCD, but... I CAN'T STAND IT!
Everytime I go to a restaurant, I clean the table, chair(s) and even look for crumbs or leftovers on the floor, before I go. If I'm at the supermarket and see a product that fell down or out of place, I just put it back where it belongs. If any sign or poster is not properly displayed, I fix it if I can. I'm grateful for not having a job involving hygiene or supervising/managing inventories. Otherwise, I wouldn't return home for dinner. Lol.
People burping, farting or picking their nose in public.
Bring me my sword. And my axe.
Blue cheese.
As far as I know, my only kryptonite. It makes me squirm and scream inside
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there
Volte Face
Deforestation. Bastards are cutting trees down near my house and it's pissing me off because those trees attracted a lot of tawny owls which I used to love listening to on a night.
Something needs to be done.
That sucks. Birdies are cute!
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”