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Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

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Safety & Violence

Between June and December of 2014, at least 12 transgendered women of colour were killed in brutal incidents that police are investigating and classifying as hate crimes in the US. According to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programmes (US), a 2013 report found that LGBT individuals of colour were twice as likely to experience physical violence than their white counterparts. Transgender women comprise of 67% of LGBT hate-crime homicides in 2013, US.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

20-May-2017 05:47:23 - Last edited on 20-May-2017 22:16:33 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

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Human Rights at Stake

• In many countries, LGBT are denied equality in rights and before the law. In some countries, laws stipulate that same-sex relations require a higher age of consent compared to opposite-sex relations.

• Omittance of sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws, constitutional provisions and their enforcement deny the rights to non-discrimination and to be free from violence as well as harassment .

• Some countries apply the death penalty for sodomy which is a violation of the right to life .

• Violations of the right to be free from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment by police practices in investigations or in the case of LGBT in detention.

• In a number of states, individuals suspected of having a homo or bisexual identity are subjected to arbitrary arrests.

• Non-recognition of same-sex relations causes a denial of the freedom of movement to bi-national couples.

• Judges or other law enforcement officials with prejudices against LGBT can affect the right to a fair trial .

• Sodomy laws oppose an individual's right to privacy , even if the relation is in private between consenting adults.

• Homophobic environments may hinder the rights to free expression and free association or it may be denied explicitly by law.

[ be continued..]
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

20-May-2017 05:47:29 - Last edited on 21-May-2017 02:28:31 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

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• Religious institutions restrict its practices in the case of LGBT and many advocate against them.

• Many LGBT face discrimination in employment policies and practices, or are fired due to their sexual orientation which makes the right to work the most affected among the economic rights of LGBT.

• In many cases where disclosure of the identity of the spouse is required, it affects the rights to social security, assistance and benefits which as a result, affects the overall standard of living for LGBT.

• Discriminatory policies and practices, along with homophobia from some physicians or concepts of heterosexism, conflicts with the right to physical and mental health

• Some governments do not recognise same-sex families and are therefore, denied the right to form a family . However, hetereosexual families who have not sought the legal recognition enjoy several rights. Protection is denied to children against separation from parents based on a parent's sexual orientation. LGBT couples or individuals are not allowed to adopt a child in some states, even if the child belonged to their same-sex partner.

• Hazardous environments created by peers, educators or schools may impede on the rights to education for LGBT.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

20-May-2017 05:47:34 - Last edited on 21-May-2017 02:44:21 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

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List of Countries Where
Homosexuality is Illegal


1. Algeria
2. Angola
3. Botswana
4. Burundi
5. Cameroon
6. Comoros
7. Egypt
8. Eritrea
9. Ethiopia
10. Gambia
11. Ghana
12. Guinea
13. Kenya
14. Lesotho
15. Liberia
16. Libya
17. Malawi (enforcement of law suspended)
18. Mauritania (Death Penalty, though none executed so far)

19. Mauritius
20. Morocco
21. Namibia
22. Nigeria (Death Penalty)

23. Senegal
24. Seychelles
25. Sierra Leone
26. Somalia (Death Penalty)

27. South Sudan
28. Sudan (Death for 3rd time Offenders)

29. Swaziland
30. Tanzania
31. Togo
32. Tunisia
33. Uganda
34. Zambia
35. Zimbabwe


36. Afghanistan (Death Penalty, but none since end of Taliban rule)

37. Bangladesh
38. Bhutan
39. Brunei
40. India
41. Iran (Death Penalty)

42. Kuwait
43. Lebanon (law ruled invalid in one court)
44. Malaysia
45. Maldives
46. Myanmar
47. Oman
48. Pakistan
49. Palestine/Gaza Strip
50. Qatar (Death Penalty only for Muslims, regardless of sexual orientation)

51. Saudi Arabia (Death Penalty)

52. Singapore
53. Sri Lanka
54. Syria
55. Turkmenistan
56. United Arab Emirates (disagreement on whether consensual or rape rules death penalty)

57. Uzbekistan
58. Yemen (Death Penalty)


59. Antigua & Barbuda
60. Barbados
61. Belize
62. Dominica
63. Grenada
64. Guyana
65. Jamaica
66. St Kitts & Nevis
67. St Lucia
68. St Vincent & the Grenadines
69. Trinidad & Tobago

70. Cook Islands
71. Indonesia (Aceh Province and South Sumatra)
72. Kirbati
73. Nauru
74. Papua New Guinea
75. Samoa
76. Solomon Islands
77. Tonga
78. Tuvalu

No country in Europe has a law against homosexuality.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

20-May-2017 05:47:39 - Last edited on 21-May-2017 03:10:29 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
List of Countries Where
Gay Marriage is Legal


• South Africa (2006)


• New Zealand (2013)


• Argentina (2010)
• Brazil (2013)
• Canada (2005)
• Columbia (2016)
• Mexico (2010)
• United States of America (2015)
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Guam
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
• Uruguay (2013)


• Belguim (2003)
• Denmark (2012)
• England / Wales / Scotland (2013)
• Finland (including Finish Lapland) (2017)
• France (2013)
• Greenland (2015)
• Iceland (2010)
• Ireland (2015)
• Luxumberg (2014)
• The Netherlands (2000)
• Norway (2009)
• Portugal(2010)
• Slovenia (2017)
• Spain (2005)
• Sweeden (2009)

List of Countries Where
Same-Sex Civil Unions & Registered Partnerships is Recognised


• Aruba
• Chile
• Ecuador


• Australia (NSW, VIC, ACT, SA, QLD, TAS
• Japan (Iga, Naha, Setagaya, Shibuya, Takarazuka)
• Taiwan (CG, CH, CS, HH,· KH, NT, TG, TN, · TP, TY, IL)


• Andorra
• Austria
• Croatia
• Cyprus
• Czech Republic
• Estonia
• Germany
• Greece
• Hungary
• Italy
• Liechtenstein
• Malta
• Slovenia
• Switzerland
• UK (Northern Ireland, Jersey)
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

20-May-2017 05:47:51 - Last edited on 21-May-2017 03:32:05 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

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List of Countries Where
Adoption by Same-Sex Couples is Legal

1. Andorra (2014
2. Argentina (2010)
3. Austria (2016)
4. Belgium (2006)
5. Brazil (2010)
6. Canada (first jurisdiction 1996, last jurisdiction 2011)
7. Colombia (2015)
8. Denmark (2010)
9. Greenland (2016)
10. Faroe Islands (2016)
11. Finland (2017)
12. France (2013)
13. Iceland (2006)
14. Ireland (2016)
15. Israel (2008)
16. Luxembourg (2015)
17. Malta (2014)
18. Netherlands (2001)
19. New Zealand (2013)
20. Norway (2009)
21. Portugal (2016)
22. South Africa (2002)
23. Spain (2005)
24. Sweden (2003)
25. United Kingdom
- England and Wales (2005)
- Scotland (2009)
26. Northern Ireland (2013)
27. United States (first jurisdiction 1993, last jurisdiction 2016)
28. Uruguay (2009)

List of Subnational Jurisdictions Where
Adoption by Same-Sex Couples is Legal

1. Australia:

• South Australia (2017)
• Queensland (2016)
• Australian Capital Territory (2004)
• New South Wales (2010)
• Tasmania (2013)
• Victoria (2016)
• Western Australia (2002)

2. Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories:

• Bermuda (2015)
• Gibraltar (2014)
• Guernsey (2016)
• Isle of Man (2011)
• Jersey (2012)
• Pitcairn Islands (2015)

3. Mexico:

• Coahuila (2014)
• Mexico City (2010)
• Campeche (2016)
• Colima (2016)
• Michoacán (2016)
• Morelos (2016)

List of Countries Where
Step-Child Adoption by Same-Sex Couples is Legal

In this case, the partner in a same-sex relationship can adopt their natural child, or in the case of Germany, the adopted child of their partner.

• Estonia (2016)
• Germany biological (2005) and adopted (2013)
• Italy (2016 - case by case basis)
• Slovenia (2011)

Croatia adopts a similar policy called partner-guardianship.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

20-May-2017 05:47:59 - Last edited on 21-May-2017 04:00:30 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

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List of Countries With
Anti-Discrimination Laws

• Australia
- Anti-discrimination Act (QLD & NSW)

• Bolivia
- Law Against Racism and All Forms of Discrimination 2010

• Brazil
- Anti-discrimination laws in Brazil

• Canada
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 1982
- Canadian Employment Equity Act 1986
- Canadian Human Rights Act 1977
- Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms 1976

• Colombia
- Colombian anti-discrimination act 2011 (act number 1482).

• European Union
- Directive 76/207/EEC on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions
- Directive 2000/43/EC on Anti-discrimination
- Directive 2006/54/EC on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and
equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation
- Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union whose Article 21 prohibits all discrimination including on basis of disability, age and sexual orientation

• France
- Edict of Nantes 1598

• Germany
- General Equal Treatment Act of 2006

• Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance

• India
- Article 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of Constitution of India

• Israel
- Employment (Equal Opportunities) Law, 1988

• Netherlands
- Anti-discrimination is enforced by Wetboek van Strafrecht, articles 137c-h, and by the Dutch Constitution Law, article 1

• New Zealand
- New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, section 19
- Human Rights Act 1993

• Poland
- Statute of Kalisz 1264
- Warsaw Confederation Act 1573

• South Africa
- Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000

• United Kingdom
- Equal Pay Act 1970
- Equality Act 2006
- Equality Act 2010
- Employment Equality Regulations

- Employment Non-Discrimination Act
- New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

20-May-2017 05:48:05 - Last edited on 21-May-2017 07:15:37 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
List of Countries That
Allow Openly LGBT to Serve in the Military

1. Albania

2. Argentina

3. Australia

4. Austria

5. Bahamas

6. Belgium

7. Bermuda

8. Brazil

9. Bulgaria

10. Canada

11. Chile

12. Colombia

13. Croatia

14. Czech Republic

15. Denmark

16. Estonia

17. Finland

18. France

19. Germany

20. Greece

21. Republic of Ireland

22. Israel

23. Italy

24. Japan

25. Lithuania

26. Luxembourg

27. Malta

28. Netherlands

29. New Zealand

30. Norway

31. Peru

32. Philippines

33. Poland

34. Portugal

35. Romania

36. Russia

37. Serbia

38. Slovenia

39. South Africa

40. Spain

41. Sweden

42. Switzerland

43. Taiwan

44. Thailand

45. United Kingdom

46. United States

47. Uruguay

List of Countries That
Disallow Openly LGBT to Serve in the Military

1.Antigua and Barbuda

2. Bangladesh

3. Barbados

4. Belarus

5. Belize

6. Botswana

7. Brunei

8. Cameroon

9. People's Republic of China

10. Cyprus

11. Dominica

12. Egypt[

13. Fiji

14. Ghana

15. Iran

16. Kenya

17. Jamaica

18. Libya

19. Lesotho

20. Malawi

21. Malaysia

22. Maldives

23. Mozambique

24. Namibia

25. Nigeria

26. Pakistan

27. Papua New Guinea

28. St. Kitts and Nevis

29. Saudi Arabia

30. Seychelles

31. Sierra Leone

32. Sri Lanka

33. Swaziland

34. Sudan

35. Syria

36. Tanzania

37. Tonga

38. Trinidad and Tobago

39. Turkey

40. Uganda

41. Vanuatu

42. Yemen

43. Zambia

44. Zimbabwe
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

20-May-2017 05:48:36 - Last edited on 21-May-2017 07:33:51 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
List of Countries That
Disallow Blood Donations for Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)

1. Algeria

2. Austria

3. Belgium

4. Bolivia

5. China

6. Croatia

7. Denmark

8. Estonia

9. Germany

10. Greece

11. Hong Kong

12. Iceland

13. Lebanon

14. Lithuania

15. Malaysia

16. Malta

17. Norway

18. Philippines

19. Singapore

20. Slovenia

21. Thailand

22. Trinidad and Tobago

23. Turkey

24. Venezuela
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

20-May-2017 05:49:13 - Last edited on 21-May-2017 07:44:06 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
List of Countries That Have
Banned Conversion Therapy

1. Australia (2017)

2. Brazil (1999)

3. Canada (2015)
Affirming Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Act

4. Chile (2016)

5. China (2014)

6. Ecuador (2012)

7. Israel (2014)

8. Lebanon (2013)

9. Malta (2016)
- Affirmation of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression

10. South Africa (2015)

11. Switzerland (2016)

12. Taiwan (2016)

13. United Kingdom (2017)

14. US (some states, 2015)

Conversion Therapy

Various psychological associations have declared that there is no evidence to support the claim that sexual orientation can be changed or that reparative therapy is effective. In fact, conversion therapy have provided significant evidence that it is psychologically harmful to LGBT individuals. Psychological associations that have disapproved of conversion therapy include:

1. American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry

2. American Academy of Pediatrics

3. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

4. American College of Physicians

5. American Counseling Association

6. American Medical Association

7. American Psychiatric Association

8. American Psychoanalytic Association

9. American Psychological Association

10. American School Counselor Association

11. American School Health Association

12. National Association of Social Workers

13. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO): Regional Office of the World Health Organization

14. Just the Facts Coalition
- American Association of School Administrators
- American Federation of Teachers
- American School Counselor Association
- American School Health Association
- Interfaith Alliance Foundation
- National Association of School Psychologists

.. and others.

15. World Psychiatric Association
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

20-May-2017 05:49:35 - Last edited on 21-May-2017 08:07:03 by Chief Elf

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