Morgan was the last character we saw before the first half of Season 5 ended. I think it's pretty obvious now that in the second half, Morgan is going to find Rick's group and tag along with them. This is where I think things are going to happen. Morgan could become the next Shane, because Morgan seems like a person who knows what's going on, just like Shane did when the outbreak first happened. Heck, he even had his own fortress living alone with all guns and ammo and traps.
I think that Morgan and Rick may get into some major disagreements, and this is what might bring the spark back into the show.
Right now, Morgan is all alone, yet he is doing alright by himself. When he sees the mistakes of Rick and his group, he isn't gonna stand around and watch it, he is going to take action.
Or I could be completely wrong about everything and Morgan will just become another side character, maybe even another main character alongside Rick, Daryl, Carl, and Michonne.
We saw the producers keep hinting at Morgan a few times already towards the end of the episode, so I doubt they are going to just kill him off just like that. He is going to stay with Rick's group for awhile.
This is a dying game. Everything about it is just gaining XP and levels for a stupid cape, it's not about the unlocks. The skills are broken, combat system is dull and repetitive. And the
10-Dec-2014 02:00:25