I liked the most recent episode, except for the glaring lack of any first-aid knowledge among the characters (something I've noticed more than once with this series). The mood/tone of the second half of the season was certainly set with this episode.
Member on 5-June-2015 after 10 years & 8 months f2p.
Can't wait to see what the rest of the season has to show, non-racist, it seems as if though they can't have to many black people in the sow. I noticed the trend from the beginning with T-Dog.
Can't wait to see what the rest of the season has to show, non-racist, it seems as if though they can't have to many black people in the sow. I noticed the trend from the beginning with T-Dog.
I miss T-Dog
The characters are really isolated- they don't know what's going on in Washington DC, other parts of the country, or internationally. I'm sooo curious about all that. I also want to see more about Morgan, even if its only teasers. I wonder if Maggie & Sasha will bond from their grief, or will give up or even kill themselves. I missed the first few showings of the newest episode, but I'm looking forward to watching later tonight.
Member on 5-June-2015 after 10 years & 8 months f2p.
Hoping the priest turns into a gangster. They kinda just breezed by the cannibalism too, but it was interesting to watch. I hope they're going to Washington aswell because we don't know the status' of other states, and who knows, maybe they'll find a cure!
^ A gangster would be interesting! Based on his character so far, I'm kind of thinking that Gabriel is going to turn out to be like a jackal or a slacker; always in the safest spots, never doing more than the minimum, drawing sympathy as much as possible to bolster his position in the group, but always kind of on the fringe in case he needs to abandon the group & look out for himself in an emergency.
It will be very interesting to see how both Gabriel & Eugene develop as characters. I hope it will be something new, as a lot of characters in the series either become absolute enemies or staunch allies. A larger group may allow for some sort of fringe characters to develop. Idk. Fun though, looking forward to next week's episode!
Member on 5-June-2015 after 10 years & 8 months f2p.