The link will be fine to post (and discuss) providing the site isn't unsafe or malicious (as per the new Code of Conduct under trial)
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2. If you post links or images make sure they are safe for your fellow forumers. Do not use link shorterners.
Draco Burnz
The link will be fine to post (and discuss) providing the site isn't unsafe or malicious
Just saying, but a link can be safe at first but then changed into a malicious one.
In such a case, I think the intent behind posting the link would be what determines whether it is okay or not. I mean, even a YouTube link could be considered malicious if the ads that are featured are unsafe, but if you post the link just to show others a video, then it is not your fault that the ads are appearing.
"The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind
may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled."
~Andrew Carnegie
19-May-2017 12:38:45
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19-May-2017 12:38:53
I mean, even a YouTube link could be considered malicious if the ads that are featured are unsafe, but if you post the link just to show others a video, then it is not your fault that the ads are appearing.
Yet if they would be you still get in trouble as you were the one who posted it.
The policy on the forums (up until the trial) has always been to prohibit external links due to security reasons as Jagex cannot ensure the safety of links being posted.
With the trial, the dangers are still out there so it's just a case of being responsible. If it's a site where there's an article published then I'd be inclined to believe it would be OK and if by some chance there was something on the page that wasn't or something that changed a week later, context would be taken into consideration.
With that said, I would have thought Jagex has already thought about it and are aware websites can change but I can't see anyone getting into trouble for posting a link to a legit site that later gets an inappropriate ad on it which is completely out of the post author's control.
If you believe it to be safe (and its a website you've viewed and possibly read regularly) then it'll be fine
Oh I didn't want to use a link, i was just going to have instructions for how to get to the webpage via google search
Honestly, I don't know much about the website itself. It's not a big deal really, just something I was interested in. I might just come up with another thread instead
And lastly, my favorite one was called "Night", if you've never read it before I would highly recommend it but it is quite sad. ( )
Was forced to read that too. It was confirmed that Eli Wiesel made up the story and that he was never even at Buchenwald. Several actual prisoners at the work camp confirmed that he wasn't there. The book itself borrows heavily from other "historical" fiction books written about that period to the point of plagiarism. If you've ever seen the movie Schindler's List, most of that movie is fake as well, especially the portrayal of Amon Leopold Goeth, as some bloodthirsty savage who raped Jewish women and just shot prisoners from the balcony of his home. That was also taken from a "historical" fiction novel as well. I don't remember the titles of the books but they're in a book I'm currently reading so I'll get back to you on the titles.
For whatever reason, both works of fiction have come to be accepted as factual evidence and the portrayal of Goeth in Schindler's List has been used as "historical" footage of Goeth. The actor wasn't Goeth. The actor didn't even get Goeth right.
I'll stop here though because I'm sure I'll get banned for taking it any further.
I was actually never aware of this. Kinda mind blown.
tfw Soviet propaganda is regarded as historical fact
out of curiosity do you also believe in gang stalking and/or jet fuel's inability to melt steel beams?
Patrolling Lore FC almost makes you wish for a Great Revision.
19-May-2017 21:45:54
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19-May-2017 21:47:20