I expect those chat lounges are used by people who have been using the forums for quite a few years as opposed to fairly new users.
The people who used the off topic forum section regularly in past years still remain off site for the most part, and coupled with the overall decline of the forums since those years new users who maintain a presence for long periods of time are harder to come by.
I've kept mine going because I might get back into the game, but I wouldn't pay the current price. I do intend to get at least 99 invention at some point.
In the scheme of things it is good value I pay nearly as much for going to the bank in town for 30mins (£2.50 parking for 6 hours)
Is there any reason to pay for membership yourself now that Bonds exist?
With the threat of increasing prices of bonds (which I believe is now fluctuating around the 12m mark), yes there is.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!