Atmo I have a 30x fixed the one I'm going to bid on is a wide angle 25-50 zoom.
With 30x the view is good but sometimes a bit of extra zoom is nice, and usually the more you zoom the narrow the field of view gets (the picture you see, sorry if that's a bit patronising) with the wide angle zoom it maintains the wide view through out.
This is also good for me because I bought an adapter for attaching a digital camera to the eyepiece (couple month ago off the bay) and it works best with the zoom ones because you can zoom the eypiece so the image fills up the camera screen rather than vignetting occurring (makes the edges blurry pretty much).
Only trouble is new they are £440 and I've never seen a second hand one for sale by itself, but this guy has split his scope and eyepiece into two lots. I've got the scope (got an absolute bargain with that, hehehe