Oh boi, rain season started where I live and disconnections are starting to show.
Guess Wi-Fi has its limitations. I'm thinking about a serious return to wired Internet.
Good thing RS forums exist
wi-fi extender might help. unless it's to do with the dish on the side of your house, in that case i'm not sure there's much you can do about it. that's my trouble, living out in the middle of nowhere (we have no phone-line so everything is done through the internet).
Thanks for the advice, but already switched. The guy that helped me install wired stuff looked at me like I was some kind of dinosaur (lol).
"Are you sure you want to--- YES, DO IT"
I have a similar situation. Well, sort of: I live in a "medium town" (small city?) near the coast, kinda isolated. Two options to choose from, regarding Internet providers. Everybody has phone-line but I believe nobody really use it. The deal here is you forcely need to keep a line (and the whole set) or else company won't provide Internet. So the actual telephone is mostly used as paperweight or dust collector
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there
Averia Light
We pay anywhere from 80-200 for an average car here. We call it vehicle registration.
Theoretically, it goes towards road repair so you don't have to destroy your car.
Our Road Tax they claim goes towards fixing roads lol.
We have potholes around me that the Rats are using for swimming pools. I report them and yes now and then some are fixed but wow it takes ages to get 1 fixed.
Also anyone here anything from FiFi....
Missing her around here. It's just not the same.
Fifi come out come out where ever you are..... We miss you.
Haven't seen the cat.
And our registration is for the same thing even though our state government just puts everything into a general slush fund @#$%&
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
That reminds me... I went on igotstandardsbro and typed in the 30-40 age range with a 6 foot height requirement and 100k minimum annual salary and apparently I have a less than 5% chance of getting my husband.
I will say I'm a crazy cat lady though as I have a cat who literally sits on my face to snuggle every night, so they weren't wrong about that!
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
I will say I'm a crazy cat lady though as I have a cat who literally sits on my face to snuggle every night, so they weren't wrong about that!
Cool I like the sound of you because I love cats. I dont have one at the moment but I have a cat that comes into my apartment and sleeps on my bed for about 12-18 hours at a time.
I dont have cat food but I feed it with meat or canned corned beef.
When it wakes up and has a scratch you know it wants to go outside and have a pee.
Make Your Own Magic
25-Mar-2023 07:27:51
- Last edited on
25-Mar-2023 07:28:46
Kiwi Magic
Oh boi, rain season started where I live and disconnections are starting to show.
Guess Wi-Fi has its limitations. I'm thinking about a serious return to wired Internet.
Good thing RS forums exist
wi-fi extender might help. unless it's to do with the dish on the side of your house, in that case i'm not sure there's much you can do about it. that's my trouble, living out in the middle of nowhere (we have no phone-line so everything is done through the internet).
Thanks for the advice, but already switched. The guy that helped me install wired stuff looked at me like I was some kind of dinosaur (lol).
"Are you sure you want to--- YES, DO IT"
I have a similar situation. Well, sort of: I live in a "medium town" (small city?) near the coast, kinda isolated. Two options to choose from, regarding Internet providers. Everybody has phone-line but I believe nobody really use it. The deal here is you forcely need to keep a line (and the whole set) or else company won't provide Internet. So the actual telephone is mostly used as paperweight or dust collector
Yeah I know what you mean, I think virgin-media are the only ones to offer without phoneline? Or at least they were, though my information is like a decade old.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Why is darkness associated with evil when Lucifer literally means 'lightbringer'
To offer light means to offer knowledge, that being the knowledge to transcend God.
To remain in the dark is to keep your will silenced, so in Buddhist terms it could represent virtue.
Also stars are hot and they burn.
The age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever.
I think virgin-media are the only ones to offer without phoneline? Or at least they were, though my information is like a decade old.
I think you're right, though BT are supposed to be offering that option soon.
Makes sense, who uses a landline these days?
I do! The mobile signal can be weak where I live in the country several miles from a town. Other times its fine. There are no hills or tall. buildings in the way between my house and the mast. A few years ago the mast broke completely and it was 10 days before it was repaired.
I give the landline number to companies etc. because we have call blocking on the phones. Any number not in our directory has to announce who they are and then press # key. We then listen to the caller saying who they are and can accept or reject the call. No # key press and the call doesn't get through. No more computerised scam/phishing calls. Bliss!
31-Mar-2023 14:39:06
- Last edited on
01-Apr-2023 11:54:08