It's been some years since I had a cold what with lockdowns, months of self-isolating, masks, sanitisers and so forth.
But I have one atm and I'd totally forgotten how utterly crappy it makes you feel
Now I'm wondering how and where I picked it up since I don't know anyone with a cold, or recently recovering from one, and I've carried on doing the whole mask & hands thing without fail for 2 years or more. If I caught a cold virus I could easily catch something much worse.
On the news last night there was a bit more about people without power, the starting voice was "I met this couple whose family have had to huddle together to keep warm".
Goes to interview of them yep they're sat in short sleeved t shirts.
Sympathy level falling lol.
good job the masses are not switched to electric vehicles yet or they'd all be stuffed too.
04-Dec-2021 20:09:39
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04-Dec-2021 20:11:02
I hope you feel better soon! That's gotta be rough. :c My husband has been struggling with a cold the last couple of weeks or so, it's rough. Somehow I haven't caught it off him yet lol
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.
06-Dec-2021 13:16:24
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06-Dec-2021 13:16:59
Now I just have to wait for the rest of the gifts to arrive and then wrap them. I bought a tape dispenser because last year it was a massive pain having to find a spot to stick precut pieces of tape. But not this year!
Also I have a special appreciation for how well parents wrap obnoxiously shaped toys. Oh my GOD. I'm just glad she's too young to really give a shit. Whew.
I managed to get the damned thing wrapped, and then wrapped it a second time just incase those dastardly corners cut through the paper again!
Anyway, there's a few things under the tree now, but soon there will be more! Woo!
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.
Now I just have to wait for the rest of the gifts to arrive and then wrap them. I bought a tape dispenser because last year it was a massive pain having to find a spot to stick precut pieces of tape. But not this year!
Also I have a special appreciation for how well parents wrap obnoxiously shaped toys. Oh my GOD. I'm just glad she's too young to really give a shit. Whew.
I managed to get the damned thing wrapped, and then wrapped it a second time just incase those dastardly corners cut through the paper again!
Anyway, there's a few things under the tree now, but soon there will be more! Woo!
Protip: save cardboard boxes and put the odd shaped boxes in them to wrap.
That or Christmas bags. If you just save the ones people get you, then you don't have to spend anything (also keep baby shower and birthday ones).
Xoxo xoxo
A parent
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
13-Dec-2021 01:34:35
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13-Dec-2021 01:35:49
Averia Light