I think lock down has made each day rather same old, same old, and even though I am working, as I count the tills from the day before, I am perpetually getting the wrong day or date.
Honestly, life kinda did that for me anyway, even without the lockdowns. Just some days I went to work and others I didn't, but I don't know what day it is very often LOL
Looking forward to when I can get a job.
....Someday. I don't even know what field I wanna get into.
Anyway, lockdown is really starting to get old, even for an extreme introvert like myself. I wanna go try on jeans!! In a store!!! Before buying them!!!!
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.
I had a nice surprise today. I lost a brooch when I was out for a walk 2 days ago. Its not valuable but its one of my favourites. Someone found it and posted on the village FB group so I will be getting it back tomorrow.
Aww, that's nice! We have a Village FB group too but I don't use FB so never see it.
My friend down the road uses it though and she gives me the low-down on anything interesting.
It's buzzing like a wasp's nest currently, she says, because some family have purchased 3 parcels of land just down the road and are cutting the trees down, dragging out the undergrowth with a JCB and have put a couple of caravans and a mobile home on there. Plus some large horseboxes and huge heavy Plant machinery used on building sites.
It's actually classified as Green Belt and the land around here has always had a Caveat on the Deeds which prohibits tree felling. And they'd applied for Planning Permission, which was refused, but they ignored that.
The whole thing has been dragging on for over a year now and the Council have (eventually) issued a Court Order for them to Cease & Desist but they're still doing it.
Apparently, they are counter-claiming under their Human Rights
I should have tried that stunt when I had to jump through hoops just to get approval for a small porch on the back of my home a few years ago which necessitated removal of a small Birch sapling!
I don't use FB but my husband does. We were alerted to the post by someone we know who I'd told about the brooch. I saw her just after I'd discovered I'd lost it.
I get fed up hearing Human Rights bandied about whenever someone is prevented from doing something. They are not an excuse to break the law. With rights comes the requirement to act responsibly.
20-Mar-2021 09:55:28
- Last edited on
20-Mar-2021 09:56:07