Jack Flac
Ugh. 5 days and no response to my lost item request. All I've gotten was the auto reply from sending in the ticket.
I wish you the best on getting items back. Remember they are working from home, so thing are possibly running differently or/and slower.
I'm the world's worst at gardening, so I was really pleased that I'd managed to grow some Laurel from a tiny sapling to quite a large hedge.
But... all the leaves turned yellow and brown recently so I've done some savage pruning in an attempt to save it.
Oh I feel you, I just had to cut back about 70% of an Oleander infested with mold. I saved it, but dang did it ever take a hit.
Community Manager for Jagex
Hi Off Topicers, how's things?
Hope you're all looking after yourselves.
I'm great. Thank you for asking, Forum Moderator Rooh.