Shame, that paper would have been perfect for clearing up some gloop.
Joking aside, sorry to hear about the dog, Feefs. I suppose that's the way of pets, though I haven't had one for a few years (my died on Christmas day a few years back) so I've not been 'blessed' with their activities. However, I'm continuously ambushed by a friendly neighbourhood cat who has decided to make my house and garden its home. It's all well and good for something to talk to and for vermin control, but a right pain when she gets herself locked in! Strange how she's so tructing of me when I don't own her.
It's good of you to go down and do that though. A bit of kindness goes a long way, especially with the elderly. My gran started to become a bit forgetful towards the end and my grandfather had his heart torn out when she died, so I do know what it's like to be in the position you're in. You're doing something worthwhile, even though you might feel frustrated about it at times.
14-Nov-2019 14:37:21