Allo Allo you're wearing your other head. Again. And I see you've been tormenting people. Again. That's probably why you have to wear your other head.
If you're not careful you'll get Legionnaire's Disease and then you'll be sorry.
*pulls your white hair, licks you all around, rips your arms off, and finally massages your winkly body to make it look good as new, to only burn you in a fire*
Make the most out of your grandson while he's still here for X years
You are on fine form tonight. I'll take the massage but not too sure about becoming a medium-rare Weazleburger.
Yes, now that's a good thought to hold onto. When I croak you'll still be around so you can send me an outrageously expensive wreath. Then I'll come back and haunt you in the form of a very nasty smell.
Poor little Kitty Squawk, it sounded like her head was going to explode.
Here is a useless fact: When the Brits (a disgraceful and cruel clan) first started celebrating Guy fawkes Night, they didn't have any fireworks but did still light bonfires. To liven things up a bit they used to throw cages of live cats into the fire and cheer while they were screaming as they burnt to death.
So that is why I cross-bred with a Weazle.
One more reason to hate the ancient brit**.
Oh wait still a contradiction.
One more reason to hate...... Yeah I'm not a fan of the British, but don't worry I still love you. I hate the Chinese and Russians more