You gotta do it in a more subtle way. You gotta insult someones intelligence without actually letting them know you're insulting their intelligence.
[qu.ote id=23-24-312-63626936-13867-341770025*[quot.e id=23-24-703-65953575-104-341769920*what devastatingly undeveloped senses of humor you all have
can't even screencap this **** it's so stupid[/qu.ote]
“Loddfafnir, listen to my counsel: You will fare well if you follow it, It will help you much if you heed it. If aware that another is wicked, say so: Make no truce or treaty with foes.”
- Havamal 127
Not sure why I even bother tuning into E3. It's always been terrible, but I guess I thirst for information about upcoming games and gaming related news.
Hey, it was just a coincidence that I happened to return to the forums during the relaxed forum rules period. I didn't know it as going on, I just decided to check out what was going on.
Honestly I'm surprised I'm still not on JaGeX' "Ban on sight" list. Used to be I'd get perm forum banned pretty much for admitting to being MotherlyBear. Glad I'm not anymore, though.
Sure, it was. I bet it was actually you that initiated their change of heart.
Also, I don't think anyone that could possibly remember you at Jagex is still around. Definitely not active enough to notice anyway.
>get home
>cast iron pan is scorched (again) and spatula warped
>landlord entered my room without notice to remove my shoes and place them on the front porch
>used to be a shoe rack near the door but a semipermanent fort he erected behind the couch to sleep in displaced it
>oh yeah and he's off to quite literally live as a bum for a few weeks so i've gotta help take care of a dog that does nothing but whine and bark when he isn't around
>mfw i encouraged him to do both those things but didn't realize he was seriously contemplating them
15-Jun-2017 04:16:27
- Last edited on
15-Jun-2017 04:20:44
Icy Spring
Not sure why I even bother tuning into E3. It's always been terrible, but I guess I thirst for information about upcoming games and gaming related news.
Hey, it was just a coincidence that I happened to return to the forums during the relaxed forum rules period. I didn't know it as going on, I just decided to check out what was going on.
Honestly I'm surprised I'm still not on JaGeX' "Ban on sight" list. Used to be I'd get perm forum banned pretty much for admitting to being MotherlyBear. Glad I'm not anymore, though.
Sure, it was. I bet it was actually you that initiated their change of heart.
Also, I don't think anyone that could possibly remember you at Jagex is still around. Definitely not active enough to notice anyway.
Their change of heart on what?
[qu.ote id=23-24-312-63626936-13867-341770025*[quot.e id=23-24-703-65953575-104-341769920*what devastatingly undeveloped senses of humor you all have
can't even screencap this **** it's so stupid[/qu.ote]
i posted two. the only way you would have known is if you looked them up or are also a delinquent.
I like the way you think.
" like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor