I know, it works well enough as is since most people wouldn't overthink the term, I just wouldn't be doing my job if I let that one go lol. And, this is, of course, why I dont touch fanfics or doujinshi very often. Some of its not bad, and some can even be tasteful, but some of the things ive seen *shakes head* I just dont understand some people.
Course, all this being said, I've read and watched plenty of things would make the more prudish of individuals have a heart attack, so who am I to judge. Maybe I just haven't fallen that far yet (and frankly, the idea that this whole affair goes that much deeper is a thought that frightens me more than anything i've yet to run across. Japan, you scare me sometimes)...
24-Jun-2013 18:13:58
- Last edited on
24-Jun-2013 18:26:31
Jesse B77