Nobodies posted anything interesting, and I hadn't done anything interesting that was anime related until now, so no posts from me.
Anyways, just got back from a special one-night-only back-to-back screening of the first two Madoka Magica movies at a theater in the CBD. Kind of a cheap movie experience since they used a BD for it and not an actual film master, but it was fun anyway, and the movies were pretty good.
All things considered the films aren't a whole lot different from the TV series. A few new scenes are included, a few details have been clarified (the movies are kind of 'the idiots guide to PMMM' for the people who missed stuff the first time) and some parts have been reanimated, but its all very similar.
Watching a movie as part of a crowd with a united passion is fun though, more fun than a 'regular' movie, because normally if you shout things out during the film you get a dirty look and people shushing you, were as when my friend yelled out 'Goodbye' when that scene were Kyubey gets blown full of holes occurred, everyone laughed.
Gotta love product placement though. Theres once scene, lasts only for a second or so, during the battle against Walpurgis were Homura picks up a missile truck. Along the side of one of the tubes is the Shaft logo. I expected people to laugh, but they didn't so I get the impression that I'm the only one who noticed.
After that my friend and I, as well as two people we had met there went to an Asian restaurant for dinner (naturally) and spent a few hours doing a cosplay photoshoot around one of the buildings until we get kicked off the premises (my friend is a photography nut, and the girl who was with us was cosplaying Homura).
09-Dec-2012 14:23:24