"strong story line"
Compared to most anime I've seen, most of which lasts only 13 episodes, Naruto's story line is pretty weak. They haven't had any real comedy in that anime for a long time. Action is the major portion of Naruto, yet I still find it pretty weak compared to other anime where action is the major portion. As for the manga... again I site the multiple other anime based off manga that have better manga.
Disclaimer: I don't mean to offend any Naruto-lovers, these are just my thoughts. If this offends anyone, I am sorry.
Yeah, I still watch most of what the spring season has to offer, though I've been a little disappointed in Sankarea. They've just done too many filler-type episodes, when everyone wants them to stick to the main story line. If they planned on a full season (24-26 episodes) as opposed to the half season they've already decided on, then I'd be fine with a few fillers.
I never really got into Zetman, I don't really know why.
I'm still sticking with Accel World though. I think it still shows promise.
However, I think the one that's probably kept my attention best this season is Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? 2. I find it pretty fricken hilarious at times.
04-Jun-2012 02:42:04
- Last edited on
04-Jun-2012 02:47:54