@level 114
There is no season two currently planned, as neither P.A works, Key or Aniplex have made any official announcement regarding one. People love to declare that an anime is getting a second season on some arbitrary date, so unless its from a news source that you an confirm is credible, any 'rumors' about a second season should be disregarded.
All the better for it to, in my opinion. Short of introducing a whole new cast in order to create a plot based off of 'another epilogue', there really isn't much more they can do with the setting.
Anyways, subject of Key properties. I per-ordered the Havest Festa! fandisk for Rewrite which is coming out in July, but im a bit hazy on exactly how this one is going to be released. Cant tell if they are putting it out as a limited edition and regular edition or just the limited edition, anybody got any idea about that?
10-May-2012 11:31:45