Ok, favorite anime music as follows, though this is by no means the extent of what I like or listen to frequently, just the stuff that gets the most play's or takes priority in terms of acquisition. I like all these for different reasons, some because I like singing to them with my broken Japanese, some becasue I just like listening to them and some because I respect their value as a well composed piece of music.
More or less anything that falls under the KSL CD label, specifically but not limited to:
-*1st generation Girls Dead Monster songs (The Keep the Beats CD lives in my car's stereo)
-Last Regrets/ Kaze no Todoritsuku Basho (Kanon OP/ED
-Megumeru (Clannad OP)
and while they aren't technically from anime, might as well add them:
- Little Busters!, Haruka Kanata, AliceMagic, Song for Friends (Little buster's OP and 3 of its ED's)
-Philosophyz, Rewrite (Rewrite chapter OP's)
-One's Future (Kud Wafter OP. less becasue I like the song and more because Suz(u)ta Miyako's voice hilarious because its almost impossible to imagine coming from a person)
And some non Key-related stuff:
- F.D.D, Find the Blue, Hacking to the gate (Chaos;Head anime OP, game OP, and Steins: gate anime OP)
-Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Naraku no Hana, Superscription of Data (Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, Kai and Rei OP's)
-Makasete Tonight (Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? OP)
-Synchronicity (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Tokyo Revelations OP)
-Blaze, Loop, Tsubasa, Tsuko no Shij*ma, Kazamachi Jet (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle OP's ED's and insert songs)
-Hiyoku no Hane, Tsunagu Kizuna (Yosuga no Sora OP, insert song)
-Tatta Hitotsu no Omoi (Gunslinger Girl il Teatrino OP)
-Resuscitated Hope/Unity (Gosick ED's 1 & 2)
05-Feb-2012 14:52:35
- Last edited on
05-Feb-2012 14:58:07
Jesse B77