5) If your going to a convention with friends, bring a small bag or do all your shopping on a day that they aren't attending. This is in order to avoid becoming everybody else's pack mule and having your mobile phone ringing constantly with people asking were you are because they want their wallet/camera/something else they were to lazy to carry themselves. Cosplay is not an excuse to palm your heavy bag off onto your friends.
6) And now, im gonna beat ANN to announcing Madman's anime acquisitions.
-Squid girl
-The world god only know
-Mardock Scramble
No word on Madoka Magica unfortunately. Im hopeful because when it was asked about they declined to comment, which usually means somebody is looking into it. I saw during some technical difficulties that the laptop they were hosting the powerpoint with had the first Japanese Madoka Magica BD/DVD's cover as the background, so maybe yes, or maybe the guy who owns the laptop just likes that image.
7) Played a pre-release level of 'The Darkness 2'. Unless you really liked the first one (which I thought kinda sucked) dont buy this one, its not much different.
8) Expenditure over 3 days (Approx):
Assorted books from the Dymocks stall - $120
The two Eden Of The East movies - $60
An umbrella with a katana handle and sheath sling - $25
Kudryavka Noumi figure - $120
A pair of those cat paw gloves for my girlfriend which I might end up keeping for cushions cause they're all plushy and feel nice -$25
Petrol - $35
3 day pass - $50
Train fare - $10
Coffee and donuts - $15
Subway - $8
Batteries, Gatorade, peppermints and reading material $25
Other food - $16
Money to make a homeless guy leave me alone - $5
Welcome to the N.H.K box set (worth $50)
Several movie posters (not worth much of anything)
Movie tickets (worth $20)
and some other junk
A grand total of *514 expended with $145 + some loose change I cant be bothered to count left.
06-Nov-2011 13:51:17
- Last edited on
06-Nov-2011 14:25:54
Jesse B77