Ernie, I don't like you at all for that grammar. Really makes people take you seriously. (insert sarcasm here)
Hawk, Umineko is indeed a successor of Higurashi and worth the watch. The VN is better and more descriptive, as any fan would say and from what I see, but it gets you thinking either way. Chiru is epic as hell but there has been no news on a second season for the anime. Shame. I hate when people sue Studio DEEN for the graphic content. It isn't like you are forced to watch it.
Hidan no Aria subs are bad, I know. They are really lazy with the simple translations and some of the times a line of numbers appear and then the words and it just looks sloppy. "(baka means stupid)" and the other example made, and probably others, could literally have been put in there with less effort than explaining what it meant. Had these people never subbed anything before? You don't include the Japanese word with English translation. Durr moment.
21-May-2011 02:16:43