Okay. I thought Bladedance was the cursed novel what with it "killing off" illustrators over and over, but no, now I'm convinced. The cursed novel is Half-dragon Slave Life. This is the third time the translator has just dropped off the face of the planet with it.
At least with Eiyuu no Musume I doubt Yurika Hime will just vanish without a word. They tend to be pretty consistent on that matter.
But I would love to at least have some news around Half-dragon. Did the translator get sick and haven't been able to do much? Did they just get bored with the story and give up on it? Any news would be better than being stuck in an endless limbo like this. I do get that translators do these things of their own generosity, but it would be nice to have some kind of update from time to time is all.
Also, on the matter of translations, waiting on those last few chapters of Bladedance is killer.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
Wow. They actually went the full Sumerian route with Symphogear.
I thought that the whole Lulu Amel and Tower of Babel combo thing might have been a mislead, but nope, they actually went full on in with both the ancient Sumerian origin legends and the ancient Sumerian version of the Days of Reckoning.
If they seriously had this all planed out from day one, wow man, just wow.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
Watched some random old Cow and Chicken episodes!
In a surprise, after some deeper researches, the episode Buffalo Gals was banned for bad stuffs! I watched it as a little lass without knowing that until today!
Man, they need to bring Symphogear XDU over here already. Like seriously, come on. The games been running since before AXZ aired, heck the prelude to AXZ took place in the games itself.
Seriously, just bring it over already.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.