>Goblins are terrorizing some village and kidnapping the women
>There's literally no female goblins, they need human women to breed
>Let's send some noob female adventurers so they can get GOBBED too
CM Nick
That bat hairclip is ON POINT.
I take it you haven't seen Gabriel Droput then? If so, go watch it. It is hilarious. Such a fun ride.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
Can't wait for the Accelorator Vs. Dark Matter fight. First things first though we have to get through Terra of the Left and Auqa of the Back.
I'm just hoping to god they don't go and butcher it by rushing it all like they did in the first episode.
Also, the OP.
Looking at it, I've got only one complaint, and that is that Kanzaki is fighting against Aqua of the Back. She waasn't even in Academy city when Aqua was. They specifically sent in only the Amakusa because sending in a saint like Kanzaki would've only made the situation worse. And the whole point of the Amakusa's battle there was that they wanted to prove to Kanzaki that they could defend themselves, could stand on the front lines with her. That she didn't need to constantly be protecting them.