“Loddfafnir, listen to my counsel: You will fare well if you follow it, It will help you much if you heed it. If aware that another is wicked, say so: Make no truce or treaty with foes.”
- Havamal 127
Haven't started it myself but will eventually. I can only take so much serious anime at a time, before I sicken myself.
I had finished watching the second episode of Boku Dake ga Inai Machi and having read the source, I'm worried that the anime will have no closure or ending. The source seems to be still on-going unless translators are just slow in updating.
For someone quite new to the anime scene, I actually started and finished an anime called Sword Art Online just last night. And, holy crap, I must say that
anime is quite an emotional roller coaster. I feel like I've heard it before, though. So I'm probly' behind on the SAO hype. But still, anyone yet to see it, do it. It certainly helped me feel more like a lonely loser. And at the end of the day, I think that's what these animes are supposed to do, IMO
- Ornery Onions -
Prioritizing inclusion, friendliness and offering a helping hand to those that need it.
I personally enjoyed the first like fourteen episodes of Sword Art Online, before I dropped it. Still haven't watched the rest of season one.
Watched up to episode fourteen of season two too. It was pretty terrible. They should have cut the cast of season one out entirely and focused on Sinon and her struggles with PT**.
Greetings all! How is everyone doing today! Topic of today is what?
I'm curious in what anime's everyone is watching as of lately! I'm looking forward to something to kill time with!
I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.
I remember **** posting on this thread a while back...oh how things change.
I'm currently watching SAO casually. I understand its appeal but can see why it gets criticism.
I finished episode 11 and was wondering what happened in those previous episodes to lead to the sudden relationship advance. Going from nothing to marriage in a single episode haha.