The only thing I drew from that is that you just want to hate the show, since I couldn't pull a single actual 'reason', just a bunch of accusation and guesswork.
I'de love to know who the characters that the characters in this show are copies of, considering that I could probably write the cast list of every Key production just off the top of my head and yet despite that couldn't name them.
Yuu is unique as far as protagonists go, everything up to this point has been either 'snarkey guy' or 'nice guy' protagonists, nobody who's an out and out ass-hat. Nao has similarities to Yuri, but that comes mostly by virtue of her role as the 'leader' and she varies when taken out of that role. Really, the only character who feels recycled is Takojo (who is very evidently a copying of Takamatsu from Angel Beats), but in a character who has served no narrative role in either series, does that really matter?
Also, I like how you consider Ayumi a bad character when she is basically the embodiment of half the characters produced in anime today, not to mention a critical necessity for humanizing Yuu. They killed her off with lead-up outside of an arc-style substructure, of course they are going to call back to this. Since you probably were not paying attention, you may not have noticed that they have left unanswered questions from episode 6, which are evidently the groundwork for the overall plot.
17-Aug-2015 10:00:45