Kenzen Robo Daimidaler review
This is arguably not the worst thing I've seen but I still hate it a lot...
It seems somebody at Studio TNK had watched too much Power Rangers and Highschool DxD and decided to put them in a blender and set on "puree" and I can't tell if they put in too much sugar or some of the blender blades broke off and got mixed into this drink... but either way it took me 5 months to finish this series given how awful it was since I absolutely refused to drop it. In the following sections I will not hesitate to spoil anything...
Basically earth is being attacked by the penguin empire and their robots, penguins are basically (******) men in penguin suits with massive ****** (called "front tail" in-universe)... the story basically follows a formula similar to Power Rangers in the sense of "monster of the week" concept where the penguins tried to obtain "ero particles" (basically ******) which is used to give the penguins strength and powers up their giant mechas...
that was the entire plot of the story right there...
It's absolutely dumb and at times it reaches ludicrous levels (grope her ***** if you want some more ****** to power the eponymous Daimidaler!) on of the top the amount of random English sprinkled in for no reason at all...
Did ever mention that the ending was an absolute cop out...
This is something that's actually pretty good, the animation style and colors used are very similar to that of Highschool DxD.
My god the amount of times I've heard the female characters making some serious moaning sounds and the sound effects of...
Way too much emphasis on that but the other sounds are pretty good I'll give them that.
The characters are so over the top at times it was fun when Kouichi Madanbashi and Kyoko Sonan are around at first and then stuff got real awful quick
"All men are jealous and stupid, and all women are stupid to be happy about it, idiots are everywhere you look…"
12-May-2015 17:29:54
- Last edited on
12-May-2015 17:30:26
Wolfgod Holo