Jesse B77
Anyone know how to use flash, i think would be a great little project for a few people to do, then jagex could put it up their youtube channel. I cant draw it but i can write it
Icy Spring
Hey Revive, are you a NEET?
I'm the NEET here
“Loddfafnir, listen to my counsel: You will fare well if you follow it, It will help you much if you heed it. If aware that another is wicked, say so: Make no truce or treaty with foes.”
- Havamal 127
i Revive
Not right now, if all goes according to plan I will be in the fall. I am currently employed though.
That makes sense. I was wondering how you had time to plow through a series in a few days when finals time is upon us in the UNC system. My fake courses in the African American and Diaspora Studies department are very demanding and leave me with little time to do much other than study :^)
Edit: I was thinking about this because I had forgotten you live in NC until I checked your MAL profile a few days ago when coming up with suggestions
28-Apr-2015 16:10:44
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28-Apr-2015 18:03:07
Icy Spring
Do I have you added on MAL? I have a bunch of random people as friends on there, and if you never specified who you were then I wouldn't know.
But yeah... I remember you saying you go to UNC. I just Google mapped it and I live 44 minutes away from the campus lol. We may actually have mutual acquaintances in real life, I know a few people from high school that go to UNC now.
28-Apr-2015 22:04:08
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28-Apr-2015 22:04:38
i Revive
I don't have a MAL account, I just c*rl-f'd through your posts on this thread and found your username.
It's pretty unlikely that we have any mutual acquaintances unless they have the same major as me, given the size of the student body. But thanks for that information, now I'm going to GeoIP backtrace your address using the Google Maps API and scratch on your bedroom window while you sleep.
29-Apr-2015 03:31:13
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29-Apr-2015 04:41:50
Icy Spring
Yes, but
Icy Spring
I attended the first meeting of my university's anime club earlier this semester. Let's just say, I thought that stereotypes of anime fans were over-exaggerated until that point.
I haven't gone back since.
I just checked their website and for some reason all they do now is watch the first 3 episodes of currently-airing shows. Sort of strikes me as a club for people who can't bypass the "network security" spyware UNC makes students install to deter torrenting.