Fatal Combo
Icy Spring
Fatal Combo
some1 who has totally no clue about animes just said this.
You're the one who should watch more shows if you honestly think Tokyo Ghoul is the best thing ever.
I bet you're that type of person who prefers Boku No Pico over animes like tokyo ghoul.
Am I being rused? I mean, Tokyo Ghoul is on par with Fairy Tail in terms of amazing quality with it's deep, intricate story but seriously? Bashing a masterpiece like Boku no Pico? Not even Glasslip compares to it.
24-Jan-2015 05:28:10
- Last edited on
24-Jan-2015 05:34:17
Bozja Diz
Yeah, I completely didn't see it coming. After a quick scan through my list, I'd definitely rank that series near the top, if not at the top itself of shows that legitimately made me cry.
I think I'd say Texhnolyze is the saddest ending I've seen, in a different way though. It didn't exactly make me cry, but it left a huge impact. Kind of felt like a huge hole in my chest right afterwards with a lingering feeling of emptiness for a few days.