Hello to everyone and also to everyone who everyone knows and even everyone that everyone knows, even everyone they know <3
I could have gone on and on until EVERYONE got a mention but i thought it would be best if i kept it short, i'd of hated it if i was somehow accused of spamming and you all know the new me "well actually, not so new anymore", i have been well behaved for ages now
Much love
Scouse - lives in hope of being a friend of everyone <3
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
Well, it will still be Friday here for a little bit longer, anyway.
This Friday morning, I reached an important milestone in my RS adventure. If you were in-game about three and a half hours before DXP Live began, you may have seen the news:
News: Aslon Dak has achieved 99 Attack.
News: Aslon Dak has achieved 99 Strength.
News: Aslon Dak has achieved 99 Defence.
News: Aslon Dak has achieved 99 Constitution.
These were the last four F2P skills I had to get to level 99. I got thirteen 99s this year.
I am now a maxed free player, except for one skill. I still need 19 Dungeoneering levels.
Dungeoneering - the bane of my RS existence.
Enjoy your DXP, and Happy 'Scaping!
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.