Hope everyone's having a better Friday than I am!
I may be having an even worse one than you if the new skill was released today "i believe not but i just got some strange thing related to it", when i say "worse" thats because i have 100% lamped archeology and can finally re-max again tonight "14k needed and medium lamp banked lol" with not a clue how to even do it lol - Tren can explain "if she wants" about how bad a pupil i was when she tried her best to try and help me all to no avail "i was useless and could not grasp even the basics lol"
All worry and moaning aside.......
Hello from the bottom of my heart to everyone out there, besties, friends, those who just know me and even those who don't, be well, stay safe and best of luck to you all <3
Much love
Scouse - I know i said "everyone" but there are 2 people in this world who are exempt cos i despise him and his e-chick(
E - Btw, i'm lagging in game worse than a sticky bogey you can't flick off your finger haha
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
Tren can explain "if she wants" about how bad a pupil i was when she tried her best to try and help me all to no avail "i was useless and could not grasp even the basics lol"
I did try.....