Hello from the bottom of my heart to this group of friends who are a credit to themselves, the social circle you reside within and obviously the perfect loving way your parents brought you up which enabled you to grow into what i am thankful and proud to see before me <3
I know none of you will admit to being that person i just mentioned and all of you are happy to just be "A normal guy/gal, nothing special"
But to me, none of you are normal, you are all a bit special "in different ways" in my eyes
Much love
Scouse - Honesty is the best policy - Something i have always stood by
E - Also, thanks to everyone who gratz'd me on my amazing "never to be done again, by anybody" on my re-maxing in a skill i still can't do haha!!!
E - Of importance - Special thanks to my mate Tuffters, sorry it happened while you slept but believe me mate, if i could have rubbed a genie lamp and magic'd you there, i would have, i seem to recall that i sent you a personal message about this through human lips lol
Seriously tho mate, in 2046 when i re-max again, i'll wait for you to be available <3
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]