Scarf Tyranitar is a good pokemon in a lot of situations. For example, say tyranitar is up against a non mega lopunny. Your opponent goes straight for high jump kick, because why waste a turn faking out when you can just kill with HJK or weaken the switchin more? Wrong, because scarf tyranitar outspeeds lopunny before it is a mega, and kills with superpower. Another use of scarf tyranitar is a latios/latias counter. As the lati's have always been one of the biggest threats in the pokemon metagame, having a counter to them is essential. Pursuit on tyranitar assures that latios/latias are killed when they switchout, and if either stay in you outspeed them and pursuit, which if it doesn't kill is an easy 2 hit kill, and tyranitar takes low damage from even a specs latios as it is.
When sand is up, excadrill has in the 500's for speed, which outspeeds every pokemon imaginable. Given as it holds a life orb, drill unleashes crazy amounts of damage to other pokemon and outspeeds anything that could be switched in. Even threats like talonflame cannot deal with excadrill, as banded brave bird does not kill drill, and you are faster than talon if it goes for a flare blitz, and you easily kill with rock slide. Drill also has rapid spin, which keeps rocks off your side of the field, and is practically essential for Charizard, otherwise it takes 50% everytime you switch in.
All in all, this is a fantastic team. You can get up momentum throughout the game, and come in and sweep with Charizard, or destroy your opponents with sand rush excadrill. With various status moves as well as a relatively strong defense, paired with explosion on landorus which easily does 70-100% on rotom's or 50-75 on a mega venusaur (which are common threats to the team with charizard gone) it is theoretically impossible to lose a game, unless you play poorly, your opponent gets incredible luck (i.e. crits/never missing vs zard misses focus blasts, ttar misses stone edge etc.) or your opponent count
08-Nov-2016 01:19:43