
Pokemon movesets postthem here

Quick find code: 23-24-176-65403763

Jan Member 2007


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Ancient Drew said :
I've come up with a real nasty little fella here. :P

Jumpluff - Timid nature

EVs - 252 Speed, 252 HP

Sleep Powder
Cotton Guard
Leech Seed

Next I need to find an item...maybe Leftovers would do. :)

Leftovers would work very well :)
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left

06-Nov-2016 17:48:44

Try2 BridKid
Aug Member 2023

Try2 BridKid

Posts: 753 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Charizard-Mega-Y @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Air Slash
- Solar Beam
- Focus Blast

Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Stone Edge
- Superpower

Excadrill @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 220 HP / 252 Def / 36 Spe
Impish Nature
- Healing Wish
- U-turn
- Iron Head
- Thunder Wave

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Will-O-Wisp

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Explosion

This is probably the second best team I have ever created. I only post it here because 1) Runescape has a permanent place in my heart and I love you guys, 2) It isn't my best and no way will I ever post that, 3) It is loosely based off of the "Volt-Turn Combo" strategy, essentially centered around at least 2 total volt switchers/u-turner's, this team containing a Rotom Wash for balance/volt switch as well as a Jirachi and Landorus-Therian for u-turn. The team uses Mega Charizard Y as a "sweeper" which deals out a ton of damage, and can sweep teams. Often people will have a Mega Medicham over Charizard as a sweeper, however for this team it is obvious Charizard has a much higher use. Anyways, my final reason is as ORAS is about to end, and this team type is no longer as popular as it once was, there is no point keeping this team secret.

Landorus is primarily used to setup rocks, as well as keep fast scary physical types at bay, with its max health + int

08-Nov-2016 01:01:07

Try2 BridKid
Aug Member 2023

Try2 BridKid

Posts: 753 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
intimidate comboed with a rocky helmet, it plays mind games with opponents who don't want their pokemon to take an additional 16%. It can also u-turn out of sticky situations, as well as get extremely useful momentum up on your opponents, where they consistently are switching out and taking u-turn/volt switches, and coming in on rocks causes their team to slowly be wittled away while you get into your sweeper and get a kill.

Mega Charizard Y obviously comes in and destroys its opponents. There is nothing else to be said. However, it has the use of getting up sun which halves damage dealt by water types, causing charizard to live even a specs scald from keldeo, and in return you can kill with a solar beam.

Jirachi/Rotom are basically pokemon to switch into physical/special attacks respectively, and can heal decently with their leftovers. Both of these mons can u-turn/volt switch out, and rotom is a common "mind game" pokemon, where people have to predict your volt switch or hydro pump, or even will-o-wisp. Willowisp is an extremely useful move as it deals 12-13% damage per turn to your oppoents, and halves all damage done by physical pokemon. This means most players will avoid putting their physical pokemon out against Rotom, and Rotom's special defense investments +hp investments and leftovers allow it to easily take hits from common special attackers. Jirachi also has uses in thunder wave, which brings your opponents speed to 1/4 it's original stat, and causes them to sometimes not be able to attack. Jirachi can then continue to iron head, and considering it has a 60% chance to flinch (thanks to serene grace) and a 25% chance to paralyze (which we all know is really 50% ;) ) plus it can healing wish, bringing another pokemon back to full life points-any status inflictments that could have been given to the healed pokemon.

Finally, tyranitar and excadrill. I will wrap this up in the next post!

08-Nov-2016 01:10:13

Try2 BridKid
Aug Member 2023

Try2 BridKid

Posts: 753 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Scarf Tyranitar is a good pokemon in a lot of situations. For example, say tyranitar is up against a non mega lopunny. Your opponent goes straight for high jump kick, because why waste a turn faking out when you can just kill with HJK or weaken the switchin more? Wrong, because scarf tyranitar outspeeds lopunny before it is a mega, and kills with superpower. Another use of scarf tyranitar is a latios/latias counter. As the lati's have always been one of the biggest threats in the pokemon metagame, having a counter to them is essential. Pursuit on tyranitar assures that latios/latias are killed when they switchout, and if either stay in you outspeed them and pursuit, which if it doesn't kill is an easy 2 hit kill, and tyranitar takes low damage from even a specs latios as it is.

When sand is up, excadrill has in the 500's for speed, which outspeeds every pokemon imaginable. Given as it holds a life orb, drill unleashes crazy amounts of damage to other pokemon and outspeeds anything that could be switched in. Even threats like talonflame cannot deal with excadrill, as banded brave bird does not kill drill, and you are faster than talon if it goes for a flare blitz, and you easily kill with rock slide. Drill also has rapid spin, which keeps rocks off your side of the field, and is practically essential for Charizard, otherwise it takes 50% everytime you switch in.

All in all, this is a fantastic team. You can get up momentum throughout the game, and come in and sweep with Charizard, or destroy your opponents with sand rush excadrill. With various status moves as well as a relatively strong defense, paired with explosion on landorus which easily does 70-100% on rotom's or 50-75 on a mega venusaur (which are common threats to the team with charizard gone) it is theoretically impossible to lose a game, unless you play poorly, your opponent gets incredible luck (i.e. crits/never missing vs zard misses focus blasts, ttar misses stone edge etc.) or your opponent count

08-Nov-2016 01:19:43

Try2 BridKid
Aug Member 2023

Try2 BridKid

Posts: 753 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
counter teams you.

A few quick suggestions I should add would be switchup tyranitars set if you would prefer something like band tar, which is admittedly good but personally I believe not as good on this team. You could also put fire blast on charizard which does incredible amounts of damage, however it has a chance to miss, while flamethrower does not. Have fun with the team! If you see me in game say hi, I'll either be on
showdown hero
mr jellyvad
pandora and chill

The top 2 and the bottom name are the 3 I use the most. Anyways, have a great day!

08-Nov-2016 01:22:41

Jan Member 2007


Posts: 9,909 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Try2 BridKid said :
counter teams you.

A few quick suggestions I should add would be switchup tyranitars set if you would prefer something like band tar, which is admittedly good but personally I believe not as good on this team. You could also put fire blast on charizard which does incredible amounts of damage, however it has a chance to miss, while flamethrower does not. Have fun with the team! If you see me in game say hi, I'll either be on
showdown hero
mr jellyvad
pandora and chill

The top 2 and the bottom name are the 3 I use the most. Anyways, have a great day!

that's a great moveset, and I love you too :) Charizard Y is a great sweeper
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left

21-Nov-2016 02:58:19

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Since Sylveon is a special tank in its own right, I'm kind of regretting making a Sp.Def IV Gardevoir instead of Speed. Maybe I'll go for a Timid one next time, but here is its moveset.

Focus Blast

I'm also thinking of working on Grass and Ghost teams later. Here is a Roserade I made.

Modest Nature
EVs 252 Speed/ 252 Sp.Atk
Speed characteristic

Weather Ball
Petal Dance

In theory, this should make a nasty sweeper alongside some weather manipulators, and I might put in a Roselia with an Eviolite and Toxic Spikes.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

21-Nov-2016 10:02:32

Jan Member 2007


Posts: 9,909 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
interesting :D 200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left

06-Dec-2016 13:09:58

Team Skull
Aug Member 2008

Team Skull

Posts: 24,511 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thesims201 said :

that's a great moveset, and I love you too :) Charizard Y is a great sweeper

Ehh...never had an issue with it. Vest Entei was easily one of the best counters to it.

Come in on it, opponent expects an Extremespeed (for whatever reason) only to be hit by a Stone Edge for KO. There goes their sweeper. Proceed to then Sacred Fire for game.
" like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor

21-Dec-2016 14:12:24

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