Asperger syndrome, like all autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), has a strong genetic basis, however the way it runs in families is complex. Doctors believe this is because although a baby may inherit a genetic change that increases their risk for developing Asperger syndrome (genetic predisposition), other factors in the environment are involved in the development and course of the syndrome.[5][6][7]
There are many different genes that are believed to be associated with an increased risk for developing Asperger syndrome and the search continues for more.[5] Scientists are also working to better understand of how variations in different genes may influence this risk and which environmental factors may be important.[5][6] Therefore, to get the most current information, people with specific questions about genetic risks to themselves or family members are encouraged to speak with a genetic counselor or other genetics professional.
It definitely runs in my family. More than just me and my son.
What love we've given, we'll have forever. What love we fail to give, will be lost for all eternity. - Leo Buscaglia