Noob King
Player name: Noob King
Combat level: 138
Herblore, prayer and summoning level: Maxed
Have you read all rules and follow them? Yes
How did you find the FC? PvMing FC
Will you join the FC Discord? Already joined (Noob King)
List T80-T90 Armour(s)
Melee: Torva (Augmented) Malevolent (Not augmented, but willing to if needed)
Range: Pernix (Augmented) Sirenic (Augmented)
Mage: Tectonic (Augmented) Virtus (Not augmented)
List T90-T92 Weapon(s)
Melee: 2x Drygore long (Agumented) Scythe (Augmented)
Range:Nox bow (Augmented) Ascentions (Not augmented, but willing to if needed)
Mage: Seismic (Augmented) Nox staff (Augmented)
Roles you can do at the bosses listed below and your Kill counts;
- Kalphite King: Dps/Heal voke/Tank (289 KC)
- Nex: Duo ffa tank (87 Kc)
- Nex; Angel of Death: Dps (5 KC)
- Vorago: Dps/TL5/Base/Bomb (165 KC)
- Beastmaster Durzag: ALL (246 KC)
- Yakamaru: ALL (195 KC)
I also do have experience with ROTS and Telos
Application as a
Rank has been
! Your add will be given and you will be able to join the FC even when full on release.
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28-Apr-2018 23:33:23
- Last edited on
28-Apr-2018 23:33:56