Rank Application
Player name: Die Alive
Combat level: 138
Herblore, prayer and summoning level: all 99
Have you read all rules and follow them? yes
How did you find the FC? Intercept discord
Will you join the FC Discord? already there
List T80-T90 Armour(s)
Melee: Malevolent, achto, ports armour
Range: Sirenic, achto, ports armour
Mage: Tectonic, zuriel, achto, ports armour
List T90-T92 Weapon(s)
Melee: Dual drygore, drygores witch with flanking, zgs, scythe
Range: Nox bow
Mage: Sos, seis wand
Roles you can do at the bosses listed below and your Kill counts;
- Kalphite King: Any kc: 2,467
- Nex: Any kc: 946
- Nex; Angel of Death: ent and hammer kc: 381
- Vorago: Any, nm kc: 2,658, hm kc: 335
- Beastmaster Durzag: any kc: 247
- Yakamaru: any kc: 205
28-Apr-2018 21:07:41