Player name: Tuffz
Combat level:138
Herblore, prayer and summoning level:99
Have you read all rules and follow them? yes
How did you find the FC? forums
Will you join the FC Discord?yes
List T80-T90 Armour(s)
Melee: malevolant
Range: sirenic
Mage: fully augmented virtus and tectonic, achto and normal primeval mix
List T90-T92 Weapon(s)
Melee: aug scythe, drygores
Range: aug nox bow
Mage: aug nox staff, seismics
Roles you can do at the bosses listed below and your Kill counts;
- Nex; Angel of Death: 60, ent
- Vorago:98+11, all
- Beastmaster Durzag:160 all
- Yakamaru:108 all
- Telos (+ highest Enrage %):360 501%
30-Apr-2018 22:48:36