Player name: Whiscash
Combat level: 138
Herblore, prayer and summoning level: Comp so 99 all
Have you read all rules and follow them: Yes
How did you find the FC: Forums
Will you join the FC Discord: yes
Tier 99 Prayers you own: ALL OF THEM
List T80-T90 Armour(s)
Melee: All t90
Range: All t90
Mage: All t90
List T90-T92 Weapon(s)
Melee: Dual and 2h t92
Range: Dual and 2h t90
Mage: Dual and 2h t92
Roles you can do at the bosses listed below and your Kill counts;
- Nex; Angel of Death: 3085; any role (entangle, chin, hammer, base)
- Vorago: 1748 nm 292 hm; base, dps
- Beastmaster Durzag: 368; any role (base, chargers, pets)
- Yakamaru: 344; any role (pt, cpr, nt, stun5, sh10, base)
- Telos (+ highest Enrage %): 2304, 1000% (killing it)
"Every force you create has an echo. Your own bad energy will be your undoing." - Gogeta
10-Jun-2018 19:11:53
- Last edited on
10-Jun-2018 19:12:06