
Stealing Creation Tunnels

Quick find code: 185-186-915-62880562

68 Fairy 881

68 Fairy 881

Posts: 1,069 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm am one of those people that will stand at your base and kill you over and over again until a team is put in such a position where there is virtually no way out. This does actually require skill even to stay alive when one is getting attacked constantly. I actually do think a tunnel is a good idea but wherever you surface there will be a team shrewd enough to have both base and the tunnel entrance covered, still dominating the opposing team. Even though i am a maxed out player i play SC for the points like most people and pking still get's me the points i need for my tools. It's part of the game and also gives the chance of higher and lower levels mixing and working well together as a team.

12-Feb-2010 06:37:05

68 Fairy 881

68 Fairy 881

Posts: 1,069 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh forgot to mention, there is a reason why people make non cb SC clans; W158 as you know is for combat as well as skillers, if you really want to skill so much i suggest you find a non cb clan as you will grow continually tired of being attacked by players like myself. I worked too damn hard to get my levels and now i am reaping the benefits in places like SC. I was not a pker in there initially i was a skiller and constantly being killed taught me how to PK so don't whine learn how to play the game tactically if not go non cb. Only other alternative is to have worlds that have cb level limits e.g 1 world for say 110+ cb and over, 1 world for 60-110 cb and 1 for 3-60 cb although i do think some lower level players thrive on killing or stealing from players like me and cb limits would spoil it for them.

12-Feb-2010 06:53:36

Jan Member 2008


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Hello H II P E R S, The way I would hope the tunnels would work is that it goes to a fog in the playing field and the enemy can't see location other than folks coming or going. Its very true that we would eventually locate the tunnel entrences or exits but it would add a second location to defend.

The issue here isn't a problem with high combat level players, you have earned the right to play the game as you like. The problem I see is this "skill based minigame" has become unbalanced towards the high combat player. Someone like me who has worked hard to get all SC "skills" at or above 80 is often trumped by someone that can't get a single lvl 2 clay but has a couple very high combat skills.
Most games only have a couple very high combat level players and adding a second exit location would allow the game to progress more as I believe it was intended. We have all been in many games where a lvl 138 's only goal is to get one level 5 dagger , put on "protect one item" and run to the enemy base and kill all that come and go. I just don't see the challenge in running down a level 22 for the easy kill. My thoughts of having the "mystic" in the base also defend the base (see "Awesome Stealing Creation" thread) would not prevent you from a direct attack on the enemy base, it would just give the lower level players a better chance of getting together and actually fighting you.

12-Feb-2010 14:55:21

Jan Member 2008


Posts: 1,024 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Like yourself, I'm assuming, I have played more than 500 games of Stealing Creation and have gotten very good at it even though I'm a lower combat level than most PK's. I'm one of those lower combat level players with high mage level that barrages a lot. Believe me, it puts a big smile on my face every time I take out a lvl 130+, and it happens frequently. Win or lose, I rarely leave the game with less than 20 points. I have played many games of non-combat SC as well. Honestly, I find them very boring and much prefer the challenge of the normal game.
And I'm not whining. I have learned to play the game "tactically" and do so very well. I just find absolutely nothing tactical about standing at the enemy base and killing players who's level is much lower than yourself. Again, the "mystic" defending the base would not limit the ability of those that just want to pk in the game, they may just have more success doing it a little way from the base.
I agree with you that having combat level limits on the game would be very bad. That's not what I want at all. Pking is a great part of the game.

12-Feb-2010 14:57:18

68 Fairy 881

68 Fairy 881

Posts: 1,069 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You make very reasonably points and i agree a 1 itemer that aquires a class 5 dagger and kills right from the start is a waste of time in my eyes. I am not one of those people i have to skill a little to have the invent i need to pk the whole game and not die. It's a rare thing to see a player with highest personal score most kills/damage in one game yet i have accomplished this; i see this as skill and good tactical playing which probably only a high level player can do. I have been in countless games where the match has been dominated by one side but this is down to say a good team of friends or a clan working together; as we all know both sides have more or less even skills and cb stats, it shows while waiting for the game to start so each team has every chance to win the game. The reason why i myself dominate the opposing side is as i said previously i work with a team of friends, after all we are in there to get points so it makes common sense to get a team together and do just that. I simply PK because skilling alone is boring to me i enjoy the game far more doing this. Truth be told myself personally am not out to kill lower level players i get more of a kick killing players closer to my cb level. I did say i liked the idea of tunnels out of base, if Jagex could implement it i think it would be a good addition to the game.

12-Feb-2010 18:14:38

Gimli 354
Dec Member 2006

Gimli 354

Posts: 2,519 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Agreed. Nothing worse than getting trapped in by a bunch of people who just got 70 mage and think that farcasting is the best thing evar. =) Don't touch max + quest capes. I don't know why you are making things so complicated. Make max cape upgrade into comp if you meet the non-boss requirements, then upgrade to a superior comp if you have done reaper that has the current combat stats of comp. Also make it so its appearance is toggleable

24-Feb-2010 05:42:16

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