Good Afternoon
I am a player who has played loved and supported you jagex for a long time.
In short i am unhappy with how the game has changed, i loved pvm all the bosses you make all the updates and community, spent 1000s of hours playing i have over 1 year play time, but you have killed combat, all my items have been devalued by how over powered you have made new new skill.
In short all i have worked for my combat setups are worth a fraction of what they were but that is not what has upset me, i am upset and the fact that the game is the eyes of a player who has played for years is completely imbalanced and if i want to have the best in slot i am now forced to use necromancy.
I am not just here to put you down id love to return but currently how combat stands i don't think i will please tell me you plan on re-balancing the combat out ?
30-Nov-2023 18:33:59